Company updates

Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Awarded with Agritechnica silver medal

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, in September 2023. The world’s first cross-manufacturer autonomy association in agricultural technology, “3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY,” received a Silver Innovation Award from the Agritechnica Innovation Commission. The founding partners, CLAAS, AgXeed, and Amazone, view this recognition as validation of their open approach and objectives to accelerate the development, standardization, and market readiness

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Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – mit Agritechnica-Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste, im September 2023. Der weltweit erste herstellerübergreifende Autonomieverbund in der Landtechnik „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ wurde von der Agritechnica-Neuheitenkommission mit einer Silbermedaille ausgezeichnet. Die Gründungspartner CLAAS, AgXeed und Amazone sehen sich durch die renommierte Auszeichnung im offenen Ansatz und den Zielen des Verbunds, Entwicklung sowie Normung und Marktreife teil- und vollautonomer Zugmaschinen-Geräte-Kombinationen

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3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Müthing joins autonomy group

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste/Soest, in September 2023. Müthing GmbH & Co. KG became the fourth partner to join the cross-manufacturer agricultural technology autonomy group known as “3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY.” Practical testing of the technology developed by 3A for highly automated to autonomous field cultivation using mulchers is already underway. 3A Gains New Partner The open

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Company updates

3A – Advanced Automation & Autonomy – Müthing tritt Autonomieverbund bei

Harsewinkel/Oirlo/Hasbergen-Gaste/Soest, im September 2023. Die Müthing GmbH & Co. KG tritt als vierter Partner dem hersteller-übergreifenden Landtechnik-Autonomieverbund „3A – ADVANCED AUTOMATION & AUTONOMY“ bei. Die Praxiserprobung der durch 3A entwickelten Technologie für die hochautomatisierte bis autonome Feldbearbeitung im Mulchereinsatz ist bereits angelaufen. 3A gewinnt an Stärke und begrüßt neuen Partner Der herstellerübergreifende, offene Ansatz von

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Friends of AgXeed – Andreas Ziaja

This year, we celebrated our 6 year anniversary and already our second fully commercial year with many machines already running in the fields. In this time, we have built a vast community of ambassadors and partners, working with us and our machines. A community “Friends of AgXeed” focused on autonomy in agriculture, which we would

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Orchards special

Did you know we have also have an autonomous solution specifically designed for smart applications in orchards and beyond? Our AgBot 2.055W3 is designed in a way, that fits perfectly between the rows of trees, for even and soil preserving rollover. Spraying and mowing are both repetitive tasks for farmers. Tasks that both can be

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Turf mowing UK

AgXperience Tour – June 2024

Directly after Cereals 2024, our UK team headed for a new field demo. A quick turn around after demonstrating the AgBot 2.055W4 with Amazone Catros Discs at Cereals. The Ag tyres were removed, Turf tyres are installed to demonstrate the 4-wheeler on a turf farm, mowing grass. It was great to be invited to the

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Debut in raking

Last week, during the Grasdag in the Netherlands, together with our partner Weevers Nieuwstad, we demonstrated the AgBot 2.055W4 with a single-rotor rake, for the first time. The AgBot excelled by performing flawlessly among the large hay and forage machinery combinations. A new use case and solution to add to our list in providing autonomy

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