AgXperience Tour France – May

During the last month, we have been continuing our AgXperience Tour across France.

Many demos have been done together with our partners through France.
We started the month with a big event, hosted by our partner CLAAS EST and performed a demo for seedbed preparations.
A demo was done in Narcy for the local Chamber of Agriculture in France. Again, the weather has been a challenge this month, but this has not stopped us.

Another demo was done at an event together with our partner Sevra France. Our AgBot was the only machine showing its performance in dynamic mode with an Amazone rotary tiller.

Explore the opportunities of autonomy on your farm for yourself, join us in our AgXperience Tour.
Check our website for upcoming demos. The website is updated regularly with new dates and places.

Click here to see a video of one of the demos.

See more videos of the AgXperience Tour: Watch videos

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