AgBot guide
Find the AgBot that meets your farming needs. Let us show you the tasks and possibilities of our AgBots by choosing the crop types.





Special crops


Meet your match

AgBot 2.055W3
- Designed for smart applications in orchards and beyond
- 3-wheel design for even and soil preserving rollover
- Enables continuous working for maximum capacity

AgBot 5.115T2
- Ready for hours of high-capacity work on broad arable land
- Soil preserving crawler tracks
- Adjustable track width from 1.90 m up to 3.20 m

AgBot 2.055W4
- Your versatile machine for light soil applications & maintenance
- Various adjustable wheel configurations and track widths
- Reach high capacity through continuity
Precise at every task

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Soil preparation

Seedbed preparation


Crop care

After harvest

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Soil preparation

Seedbed preparation


Crop care

After harvest

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Soil preparation

Seedbed preparation


Crop care

After harvest

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Soil preparation

Seedbed preparation


Crop care

After harvest
Crop care
Flail mowing
After harvest
Flail Mowing
Soil preparation

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 3m front knife roller and 3m 3 row cultivator
- Speed: up to 10 km/h
- Depth: 15cm
- Soil: Sandy clay
- Topography: flat

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 3m spader
- Speed: 3.5 km/h at 30cm working depth
- Fuel: 22 l/h
- Soil: sandy clay
- Topography: flat

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 160cm bed spader
- Speed: 5 km/h
- PTO speed: 540 rpm
- Fuel: 4 l/h
- Soil: Light sand
- Topography: flat
Seedbed preparation

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Seedbed preparation
- Implement: 4m spring tine cultivator
- Speed: 11 km/h
- Soil: clay, limestones
- Topography: rolling slopes

Seedbed preparation
- Implement: 3m rotary harrow
- Speed: up to 7 km/h
- Fuel: 6.5 l/h
- Soil: loess
- Topography: flat
Optional: cover crop seeding

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- Implement: 3m rotary harrow with 3m mechanical drill
- Speed: up to 5 km/h
- Fuel: 6 l/h
- Soil: loess
- Topography: light slope
AgBot 2.055W4
Soil preparation

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Soil preparation
- Implement: 3m spader
- Speed: 3.5 km/h at 30cm working depth
- Fuel: 22 l/h
- Soil: sandy clay
- Topography: flat
Seedbed preparation

Seedbed preparation
- Implement: 3m rotary harrow
- Speed: up to 7 km/h
- Fuel: 6.5 l/h
- Soil: loess
- Topography: flat
Optional: cover crop seeding

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- Implement: 3m front tender packer and 3m rotary harrow with corn precision drill
- Speed: up to 8-12 km/h
- Soil: Sandy clay – humorous clay
- Topography: flat – light slopes

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- Implement: 4-row 75cm precision drill with fertilizer front hopper
- Speed: 6 km/h
- Fuel: 12 l/h
- Soil: river clay ground
- Topography: flat
- Seed distance: 16 cm
- Seed quantity: 86.000 /ha
- Fertilizer: 500 kg
Crop care

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Crop care
- Implement: 4 row mechanical maize weeder
- Speed: up to 4 km/h
- Fuel: 3 l/h
- Soil: sand
- Topography: flat
Cover Crop Management

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Cover Crop Management
- Implement: 180cm bed bio tiller
- Speed: 5km/h
- PTO speed: 1.000rpm
- Fuel: 3,5l/h
- Soil: Light sand
- Topography: flat
- Specialty: Bed cultivation
Intrarow Weeding

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Intrarow weeding
- Implement: cameraguided intrarow weeder
- Speed: 2.5 km/h
- Fuel: 8 l/h
- Soil: wet black sand
- Topography: flat
Grassland maintenance

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Grassland maintenance
- Implement: 300cm ripper roller
- Speed: 8 km/h
- PTO speed: 1.000rpm
- Fuel: 6l/h
- Soil: Grassland
- Topography: rolling slopes
Alfalfa Mowing

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Alfalfa mowing
- Implement: double blade mower
- Speed: 9 km/h
- Fuel: 8 l/h
- Topography: varied
Crop care

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Crop care
- Implement: 2.000 Litre, one row orchard sprayer with PWM valves and electrical fan drive. VRA and sensor controlled rate controller.
- Speed: 8 km/h
- Fuel: 7.5 l/h
- Orchard: apples
- Topography: flat
Flail mowing

Flail mowing
- Implement: 180cm electrical driven flail mower
- Speed: 4-6 km/h
- Fuel: 3.5-5 l/h
- Orchard: apples
- Topography: flat