Busy season for partner Agrokoncernas

Our partner Agrokoncernas has been very busy over the last months doing events and demonstrations with their AgBot 5.115T2 all over Lithuania.
They have done several field days in many regions of Lithuania as well, where their team shared their experience in all sorts of things, such as growing technology and innovations, like the AgXeed AgBot.

They also organized their own field day: “Experience. Tools. Goals. Summer 2023”. A three-day event, mainly focused on agronomy and growing technology but also focusing on machinery demonstrations, for example the AgBot 5.115T2. Explaining the specs and the software of the AgBot and their experiences working with it. They welcomed around 800 agriculture field professionals and farmers from different regions of Lithuania!
We at AgXeed are very happy and excited to see our partner this enthusiastic with doing events, field days and demonstrations to showcase our machine!

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