Event season

In the second half of June and July, we had several events, again 3 events happening at the same time.

We were present at Groundswell in the UK, Borgeby in Sweden, De Appeldag in The Netherlands and the International Fruit Tree Association meeting in Canada.
We supported our distribution and service partners AS Communications, Swedish Agro, Hol Spraying Systems and Provide Agro representing our machines.
We have done many demonstrations with our AgBot 5.115T2 and AgBot 2.055W3, showing the capabilities of our machines.
We’ve had great days, with lots of visitors, nice conversations and insightful discussions.
We would like to thank everyone for visiting us at one of these events and making these events a success!

We are currently in preparing for our last events of this season where we will be present as AgXeed; Innov-Agri in France and AgriTechnica in Germany.

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